Saturday, 9 June 2012

School Activities

Dear readers,
                     As you know that , no one can deny importance of education, but to enhance the maximum achievements of higher levels in any field we require physical as well as mental health. educational and social skills are improved by adopting healthy extra-curricular activities

                      Children involved in extracurricular activities achieve better grades than those who are not, and these activities often teach them lifelong skills and build character. 

                        Research shows that children involved in extracurricular activities are less likely to get involved in bad habits such as smoking, drugs or drinking. Children of all ages, but especially teens, are exposed to peer pressure. If a child is engaged in an extracurricular activity that he enjoys, and has the support of a group or team, it will promote positive behavior. Often children get involved with the wrong crowd or develop bad habits out of boredom; participating in an extracurricular activity can help to avoid that.

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